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Investigation of the Effect of Laughter Yoga on Stress-Coping Behaviors in Nursing Students’ Starting University

Aim. This study was aimed to investigate whether the practice of laughter yoga in nursing students who just started university can help them cope with stress. Design. An experimental randomized controlled study was conducted. Methods. The research was conducted with first-year students (n = 38) who were willing to participate in the study. The intervention group took part in six 45–50 minute laughter yoga sessions twice a week for three weeks. Results. The comparison of the mean and total scores obtained from the Coping Behavior Inventory and Physio-Psycho-Social Response Scale by the participants in the control and intervention groups before and after the implementation of the laughter yoga practices demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference between the two tests in the intervention group and the difference was especially evident between the pre- and posttest scores obtained from the Coping Behavior Inventory. Conclusions. In this study, laughter yoga practice helped the participating nursing students who just started university to cope with stress. It can be recommended that laughter yoga should be integrated into the curriculum in schools where nursing education is provided as a way of coping with stress, that its use should be expanded, and that randomized controlled experimental studies in which its physiological and psychological effects in different groups are investigated with objective and subjective parameters should be conducted.

Research Article

The Psychosocial Considerations for Behaviour Change, Mental Health, and Work-Related Satisfaction in Preregistration Nurses, during Coronavirus Pandemic

The mental health of healthcare workers was affected by physical and psychological challenges during the pandemic. The aim was to study how psychosocial considerations can help manage behaviour change, mental health, and work satisfaction of nurse trainees in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. This cross-sectional study involved ninety-nine students. Participants’ anxiety, fear of the coronavirus, and perceived work satisfaction were measured by GAD-7, FCV19S, and COM-B scales and assessed using descriptive, correlational, and linear regression analysis. The significant zero-order correlations between job satisfaction and fear, anxiety, and psychosocial considerations were significant. They indicated moderate strength that allowed for further inferential development to find the best predictors of job satisfaction. The findings suggested that 50% of trainees showed anxiety above the suggested ≥8 cut-off on GAD-7, and 48% scored high for fear on FCV19S. There was a significant effect between year groups (F (2, 99) = 4.25, , η2 = 0.081), with a Tukey post hoc test showing a significant difference between training years 1 and 2 with a . A significant linear regression found that psychosocial variables in behaviour change () and anxiety () were significant factors in job satisfaction, explaining 53.4% of the variance. Conclusion. Satisfaction was associated with higher levels of psychosocial considerations and low levels of anxiety and fear, which adds to previous literature on job satisfaction in nurse education. Future implications must examine ways to alleviate mental health effects and support policies and curricula to address this need.

Research Article

Classification of Neurocognition in Japanese Patients with Schizophrenia: A Cluster Analysis

Objectives. Cognitive functions in almost all domains are lower in patients with schizophrenia than those in healthy controls, with the severity of impairment differing between domains. Treatments are being developed to improve cognitive impairment in patients with schizophrenia. However, the pattern of cognitive impairment must be clarified to facilitate treatment. Therefore, this study aimed to classify the patterns of cognitive impairment in individuals and provide treatment suggestions. Methods. Patients with schizophrenia were recruited from two psychiatric hospitals in Japan. Demographic and psychopathological symptoms were assessed using the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale for Schizophrenia and neurocognitive functions, using the CogHealth battery. The following domains were assessed: processing speed, visual attention, working memory, visual learning, and spatial attention. The scores were standardised and assigned as the same-aged average score. Hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward’s method was performed based on CogHealth scores. Subsequently, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s multiple comparisons were performed to compare the variables in each cluster. Results. In total, 133 participants were classified into four clusters: Cluster 1 (n = 16), with severe cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms and the longest stay; Cluster 2 (n = 44), with moderate cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms; Cluster 3 (n = 42), with preserved cognitive function, except for spatial perception, and mild psychiatric symptoms; and Cluster 4 (n = 31), with only memory and spatial perception impairment and mild psychiatric symptoms. Implications. The clusters indicate that impairment may occur in all or selective domains. Selective domain impairments may be in spatial perception or in spatial perception and memory. Therefore, it is recommended that treatments for cognitive dysfunction are developed into four subsets considering an individual’s cognitive features.

Research Article

The Anxiety and Depression of International Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted physical harm and exacerbated a significant mental health crisis, warranting greater attention. This study investigated the prevalence of anxiety and depression among international medical students (IMSs) during the pandemic and explored its correlation with demographic factors. Participants completed a comprehensive questionnaire encompassing demographic details, the Zung self-rating anxiety scale, and the Zung self-rating depression scale. The findings revealed that 23.27% of IMSs reported anxiety, while 48.52% experienced symptoms of depression. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified poor health conditions and limited access to the family as independent risk factors for anxiety. At the same time, depression was associated with both compromised health and notable financial burdens. This study provides crucial insights for policymakers, college administrators, and government authorities, urging proactive measures to support and manage the wellbeing of IMSs during pandemic situations.

Research Article

The Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Bullying Behavior in Nursing Education among Nursing Students: The Mediating Role of Positive Psychological Capital

Purpose. To examine the mediating role of positive psychological capital in the relationship between nursing students’ perceived social support and bullying behavior in nursing education. Design and Methods. In May 2021, a sample of 1196 nursing students majoring in nursing at a medical college was conveniently selected as the study population. A set of questionnaires, including a General Information Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS), Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PPQ), and Bullying Behaviors in Nursing Education Scale (BBNE), were utilized to examine and analyze the relationships among the variables. Findings. The scores of nursing students’ PSSS, PPQ, and BBNE were 68.19 ± 11.90, 123.97 ± 18.74, and 13.31 ± 9.24, respectively. There was a negative correlation (r = −0.421, ) between perceived social support and bullying behaviors in nursing education among nursing students. Positive psychological capital partially mediated the relationship between perceived social support and bullying behaviors in nursing education, accounting for 19.88% of the total effect. Further analysis revealed that self-efficacy, resilience, optimism, and hope in positive psychological capital each played a partial mediating role in the impact of nursing students’ perceived social support on bullying behaviors in nursing education, with the ratio of indirect effect to total effect being 5.38%, 7.74%, 6.09%, and 5.34%, respectively. Practice Implications. The impact of perceived social support on bullying behaviors in nursing education is substantial among nursing students, and it can indirectly influence bullying behaviors through positive psychological capital. Nursing educators should pay attention to nursing students with lower levels of social support, and they can decrease the occurrence of bullying behaviors by enhancing social support and fostering higher levels of psychological capital.

Research Article

Mental and Physical Symptoms and Perceived Health Risks of Pregnant and Postpartum Women following the Significant Shift in COVID-19 Management in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Background. There was a remarkable downgrade in China’s COVID-19 response strategies in January 2023. The COVID-19 infection rate grew rapidly in the early stages following the management policy shift. This study attempted to explore the associations between SARS-CoV-2 infection and mental or physical health status in pregnant and postpartum women and the role of perceived health risks and family members’ SARS-CoV-2 infection status on these associations by capturing the impact of policy shifts in a short period of time. Methods. This cross-sectional study with a random sample from a convenience sample of hospitals was conducted in pregnant and postpartum women in January 2023. Standardized assessment tools were employed to assess anxiety, depressive and physical symptoms, and feelings of hopelessness. Hierarchical multiple logistic regressions were conducted to examine the mechanisms of associations of interests by including a range of sociodemographic factors, self-perceived health, SARS-CoV-2 infection status, and perceived health risks as covariates. Results. Of the 1,013 pregnant and postpartum women aged 32.0 ± 0.3 years, 58.2% (n = 590) were diagnosed with COVID-19, and 49.4% (n = 500) had family members who were infected with SARS-CoV-2. Nearly 98% of the included participants took measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. A COVID-19 diagnosis was positively associated with feelings of hopelessness (OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.20–2.35), probable anxiety (OR = 6.42, 95% CI: 2.18–24.61), possible depression (OR = 2.56, 95% CI: 1.07–6.70), and physical symptoms (OR = 6.28, 95% CI: 1.63–42.03) after adjusting for sociodemographic and health characteristics, while the associations presented no statistical significance when family members’ SARS-CoV-2 infection status and perceived health risks were introduced into the models. Conclusions. Our results suggested that pregnant and postpartum women may experience physical and mental health challenges when they or their family members contracted COVID-19 in the context of a considerable shift in COVID-19 management. Early detection of poor health status and its risk factors for vulnerable groups during shifts in health policy and administrative practice is very necessary, and health services, including easy access to psychosocial support and obstetric counselling, should be prioritized.

Perspectives in Psychiatric Care
Publishing Collaboration
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Wiley Hindawi logo
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Acceptance rate10%
Submission to final decision143 days
Acceptance to publication15 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.830
Impact Factor2.3
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