International journal of management, knowledge and learning
Mednarodna revija za management, znanje in učenje

  1. 2012

  2. 2013

  3. 2014

  4. 2015

  5. 2016

  6. 2017

  7. 2018

  8. 2019

  9. 2020

  10. 2021

    Global and local operations of Finnish metal industry companies during COVID-19 and trade disruptions (vol. 10, 2021)
    Social network analysis of college student group selection (vol. 10, 2021)
    Problem-based learning in online settings during COVID-19 (vol. 10, 2021)
    Organizational compassion and employee engagement in virtual work environments during Covid-19 lockdown in Uganda and Rwanda (vol. 10, 2021)
    What is more important? Physical attractiveness or general cognitive ability as factors of career development (vol. 10, 2021)
    How guest delight affected hotel pricing before and during Covid-19 pandemic (vol. 10, 2021)
    Efficiency measurement of digitalization on EU countries (vol. 10, 2021)
    A framework for designing behavioural change with the use of persuasive technology (vol. 10, 2021)
    Involvement of artificial intelligence in modern society (vol. 10, 2021)
    How individuals care for personal data protection when using online services (vol. 10, 2021)
    Knowledge sharing strategies between coffee farmers and Coffee Research Institute (vol. 10, 2021)
    Determinants of the business performance of small and medium enterprises in an emerging market economy (vol. 10, 2021)
    Learning embedded in structures (vol. 10, 2021)
    Some aspects of the relationship between talent management and service quality components in Egyptian law firms (vol. 10, 2021)
    Leaders’ reactions to 360° feedback (vol. 10, 2021)
    How to enhance the employee well-being at work? (vol. 10, 2021)
    COVID-19 Pandemic and Tourism (vol. 10, 2021)
    Importance of feedback, training and media format for students’ reflective practice (vol. 10, 2021)
    Is Kosova prepared for knowledge economy? (vol. 10, 2021)
    Covid-19 pandemic influence on consumer buying behaviour (vol. 10, 2021)
    Categorisation of industrial side streams for reuse potential evaluation (vol. 10, 2021)
    Work-life balance, upward career mobility and further education (vol. 10, 2021)
    Dilemma of top athletes in choosing their studies (vol. 10, 2021)
    Teacher-facilitators’ job-crafting (vol. 10, 2021)
    How change adaptability helps in times of pandemic and can be enhanced in remote environment (vol. 10, 2021)
    Construct for workplace learning (vol. 10, 2021)
  11. 2022

  12. 2023